How The Gulf Countries Are Getting Affected By Climate Change

1./climate change in Qatar

Climate change poses a significant risk to Gulf countries including Qatar. The main climate problems Qatar is facing incluse:-
1./increasing temperature:
increasing temperature will increase the seasonally uncomfortable and potentially dangerous heat affecting people during outdoor activity. The heat island effect, referring to the further increased temperatures in urban areas due to greater heat absorbed and re-emitted by buildings, pavement and other infrastructure will further exacerbate the higher temperatures from climate change. Strategies to solve this problem include:

  1. Increasing and improving green space in areas vulnerable to the heat island effect;
  2. Ameliorate the urban heat island effect by integrating the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) into the building permit application process;
  3. Promoting urban canyons and street orientation that maximize the cooling effects through shading and funneling cooling breezes;
  4. Developing a heat wave emergency response plan;

2./Sea Level Rise/flooding
Qatar and other countries in the Gulf region face serious challenges from climate change of mainly sea level and temperature rise. A metre rise in sea levels would directly affect 3.2% of the Gulf region’s population, with possible inundation of coastal towns Strategies to solve this problem include:

  1. Updating planning, policy and regulatory framework documents to address flood risk;
  2. Creating a framework to evaluate protection versus retreat options
  3. Creating a framework for the strategic retreat from vulnerable land;
  4. Implementing emergency management measures.
  5. Designating a Vulnerable Coastal Zone to communicate risk and regulate development;

3./ QATAR'S efforts to combat climate change
Qatars efforts to combat climate change as follow's in this picture

to lern more on Qatar's efforts to combat climate change please visit this site:

Qatar's 2030 environmental vision:

Qatar targets 25% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 under climate plan.

2./Climate Change In The UAE

Potential impacts of climate change on the UAE include extreme heat, storm surge, sea level rise, water stress, dust and sand storms, and desertification. Even small variations in weather patterns could significantly affect the country’s economic, environmental, and social well-being
1./most vulnerable areas to climate change in the UAE include:

  1. water.
  2. coastal.
  3. marine.
  4. dryland ecosystems.
  5. buildings and infrastructures.
  6. agriculture and food security.

Based on the analysis of past and present anthropogenic drivers, future projections using climate models suggest an increase in the UAE’s annual average temperature of around 1°C by 2020, and 1.5-2°C by 2040.1 The effects of climate change are likely to be felt most severely in coastal zones, where marine habitats will suffer from rising water temperatures and salinity, whereas infrastructure will be tested by storm surges and sea level rise. Other risks include weakened food security and health damages from extreme weather events.

2./expected Climate effect on the tourism industry
Results of local climate change studies and research2 show that climate change could have implications on the UAE’s development objectives. Direct impacts of extreme weather events, as well as slow-onset phenomena such as sea level rise, could disrupt the daily functioning of transport and infrastructure, impact the value of real estate, affect environmental assets, and damage the tourism industry.

UAE’s Green Agenda 2015-2030

the UAE Green Agenda 2015-2030, which consists of five strategic objectives and 12 main programs. These objectives and programs were designed to cover all key aspects of a green economy transition – from technology, human capital, regulatory environment, green finance, international trade, local content, intellectual property, consumer awareness, to integrated national planning and cooperation across the emirates. Based on the latest updates, 22 out of 41 Green key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Green Agenda show either an improving or steady trend
to lern more on UAE's effort's to combat climate change please visit this site U.AE CLIMATE PLAN